Saturday, November 2, 2019

Rachelred as Harley Quinn 2.0

I have a desire to create art in as many forms as possible. Having a favorite comic book character as inspiration lets me create props and costumes that have no business in the real world but play really well through the comic book universe. Harley Quinn has recently become my favorite femme fatale in comics. I have invested in several versions of her costumes from film, comics, and cartoons to utilize in various photo sessions. I also hand-made a variety of props for these sessions including the mallet shown above which was shown briefly in the suicide squad movie. I made a ridiculously over-sized mallet inspired by various comic books, a two-toned corset/bustier, a joker-esque mask, and a prop gun with an over-sized barrel corked with a dead-batman face. You can find images from that session here. For this session, I wanted a simple costume so we made use of this harlequin-design t-shirt and threw in the boots and played with the mallet in a variety of poses.